Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Be a Light?

Hey Just checking in. Actually the way the world is has nothing to do with how it can or will be in the future. In other words, just because the world was messed up in the past or present does not mean that this will continue in the future.
For example, the past two thousand years was marked by centuries of mass violence which lead to the deaths of millions / billions of people. Looking at this world from a human history point of view clearly is a horror.
Toward the end of the last century however, there were three non-violent revolutions. Gandhi’s India became free by means of a non violent movement. In the 60's Martian Luther King lead a non-violent movement to reach greater legal & human equality in the civil rights movement. And Nelson Mandela led a 20 year non-violent revolution which ended apatite in South Africa. Though these men were not perfect, and though there where those who attached the non-violent nature of their causes, never the less the overall effect was non-violent and lead to an evolution of the human race.
Phil Collins did make a difference in millions of fans lives, and to that extent he pushed the good forward. When enough people join together toward the same positive goals, reality as we know it changes. The great truth of quantum mechanics is that the future is ours to create. And though there are those who for their own greed and fear try to keep the rest of us down and oppressed, it is a fact that the good and higher best for all will win out.